TEI 2024 Studio: Are Conferences Sus?

Apply here to attend our full-day Studio on February 11 in Cork, Ireland!

We will host Are Conferences Sus?: Fostering Conversations on the Sustainability of HCI Conferences Through Data Physicalization at TEI2024 in Cork, Ireland on Sunday February 11.

What is the Studio about?

Against the backdrop of a climate crisis, HCI researchers and designers are reflecting upon, reconsidering, and re-imagining the work that we do through the lens of sustainability. In this Studio, we propose to adopt this critical perspective to Sustainable HCI through an examination and reflection on the environmental impact of research conferences. Our Studio builds upon our prior work that explored sustainable methods and toolkits for facilitating data physicalization workshops. We apply the tools and strategies developed through this prior work within a Studio in which participants are facilitated to engage with, reflect upon, and create with data relating to the sustainability of HCI conferences such as Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI).

Who should apply?

We are looking for submissions from researchers and practitioners working in Human-Computer Interaction (and related areas) who are exploring or interested in critical reflections of HCI’s relationship with sustainability, particularly in regards to live events, travel, and conferences. We welcome in particular applications from anyone with a background or interest in data representation (e.g. data physicalization, InfoVis, data art and sculpture, data materialisation), and/or the use of data as a material to provoke reflection and critique. 

Apply here: https://forms.gle/iLhfGFBfTREjmNp67

Please note: All Studio participants must be registered for the TEI2024 conference. The cost for attending the Studio is €35.

Important: After you have applied, we will get in touch with details of how to register for the Studio via the TEI2024 registration system. Please do not register for the conference until you have heard from us.

Above: Some of the materials and kits we have developed for low-to-zero waste data physicalization workshops

Through the creation of data artefacts that can be displayed, worn, or shared throughout the conference beyond the Studio, we aim to spark wider conversations about the environmental sustainability of TEI2024, as well as HCI conferences more generally.

If you have any questions, contact Sarah Hayes at sarah.hayes@mtu.ie.


Sarah Hayes (Munster Technological University), Martin V. A. Lindrup (Aalborg University), Rebecca Noonan (Munster Technological University), Lisa Zimmermann (Munster Technological University), Denise Heffernan (Munster Technological University), Kim Sauvé (University of Bath), Nathalie Bressa (Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Samuel Huron (Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Trevor Hogan (Munster Technological University)

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